Friday, May 27, 2016

CS6 Extended RePack Full APK Mediafire Download

CS6 atau yang sering kita kenal dengan nama , merupakan software editor buatan Systems yang dikhususkan untuk pengeditan foto atau gambar dan pembuatan efek. Perangkat lunak ini banyak digunakan oleh fotografer digital dan perusahaan iklan sehingga dianggap sebagai pemimpin pasar (market lder) untuk perangkat lunak pengolah gambar / foto terbaik.


TOP Ftures
See the top new ftures in CS6 Extended
Boost your productivity and enhance your crtivity with groundbrking new Content-Aware tools, the new Mercury Graphics engine, simplified 3D artwork crtion, reengineered design tools, and more.Crte 3D graphics with se
Discover an sy way to crte 3D artwork with an intuitive user interface, and enhance your 3D crtions with shadows, lighting, animation, and new sketch and cartoon looks.*Maximize your crtivity
Experience crtive brkthroughs with new and enhanced design tools. Intuitively crte s within the familiar environment. Crte custom photographic blurs, and paint and draw more expressively.Modern user interface
Work with a fresh, elegant interface fturing dark background options that make your s pop, and benefit from hundreds of design touches that crte a smoother, more consistent editing experience.New reflections and draggable shadows
Quickly achieve 3D rlism by adding and enhancing shadows and reflections on your ground plane. Drag a shadow to reposition the light source, and sily edit ground reflections, shadows, and other effects.*Intuitive crtion
Bring editing power to your s. sily enhance any clip using the full range of familiar editing tools, and combine clips and stills with transitions, audio, and effects such as pan and zoom.Revolutionary erodible brushes
Draw more naturally and rlistically using drawing tips that erode as you work. Endlessly wr down and sharpen a charcoal pencil or pastel to crte different effects, and save favorite blunted tips as presets.New painting presets
Simplify painting with new presets that offer a good starting point for crting rlistic painting effects.Scripted Patterns
erate geometric pattern fills faster with Scripted Patterns.
Ftures RePack:
Full-ftured CS6 Extended;Interface languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian;Integrated medicine;Set for 20 seconds;Of the plug-ins added to the latest version of Camera Raw and Nvidia DDS;Access to all profiles of lenses for Camera Raw and Lens Correction;Assembly does not spoil the profiles of other appliions of the company , installed on your computer;X86/x64 one installer.
CS6 Extended RePack via PL - (297.39MB) CS6 Extended RePack via HF - (297.39MB) CS6 Extended RePack via BU - (297.39MB)
1. Unrar
2. Install CS6
3. Enjoy

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